Heroes V editor is powerful tool made by Nival entertainment, that is used to create and generate maps as well as manipulate game files and add new objects to the game.
Heroes V editor can operate in two modes:
- Map Editor - this is the default Heroes V editor mode. It allows creating new maps either manually or by using the Random Map Generator (RMG).
- Game Editor - this is the advanced Editor mode. It is used to add new objects in the game database, generate game Icons, import and export game texture models and more.
To switch the editor between modes:
Configure Game editor mode[]
Enable Game editor mode[]
Heroes V editor has hidden mode that allows modification of core engine game objects and lists. To switch the editor into that mode:
- Open<game folder>\profiles\editor_a2.cfg
- Change the value of setvar map_editor_mode to 0 - for Game Editor. Return it back to 1 for the Map editor.
Set Game editor for modding[]
This step loads all game engine object lists and relationships and allows the user to extend or modify them as he wants.
- Open the editor
- To confirm it is working in Game editor mode, select "View" -> "Log Window". If all is configured correctly new window will appear with output "Compiled with (prerelease) granny version (.h). Using granny2.dll of version"
- Select "Resource" -> Make sure "Close Mod" option is grayed out. If it is not, select it. Note: FYI - this action will prevent user from losing his work in case of editor crash.
- Select "View" -> "Selection Property Window". An empty window will appear.
- In the new window enable viewing all hidden features by right click -> "Show hidden"
- Select "View" -> "Game Database" -> "New Window". An empty window will appear above to the first one.
- Right click on the top two lines of the more grayish of the two windows and chose "Select Tables".
- On the new Window check all entries (or just the one you need) and select OK. The Game Database pane will now have a drop down populated with all game engine objects and relationship tables.
Game Editor is ready for modding!
Create Save Export or Load mod environment[]
Editor allows creating a separate environment to keep track of all changes made. They can be also saved and loaded later if needed. These settings are available only if game editor is configured in Game Editor mode.
Create mod[]
- In Map Editor select "Resource" -> "New MOD".
- Add proper name and description of what this modding space will be used for.
Save and export mod[]
- In Map Editor select "Resource" -> "Pack MOD". This will create a "<mod_name>.h5m" file in "<Game folder>/Maps".
To export object created within the mod, open the "<Game folder>/Maps/<mod_name>.h5m" archive and extract object files.
Load mod[]
- In Map Editor select "Resource" -> "Unpack MOD".
Mod changes are now loaded.